Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The results of my last assignment are out,
i guess i'm losing hope in passing...
oh wells,
Why are matters of the brain so difficult to understand!!?

Its been a draining week for me...
I'm pinning hopes that moving back to river valley might turn out for the better
Goodbye Bali Lane~

How I envy the full-time students~

On a brighter note,
I've managed to clear the clutters in my room and rearranged the layout
hopefully this new "Feng Shui" might bring me better luck!
clear that "clutter" in my brain too~

When people are desperate, they believe everything! duh!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Tanya's new song. She wrote this song while she was enjoying her coffee in Paris and she chance upon this beautiful scene of a guy who hug and carried his girlfriend in circles.

The song mentioned:

地球上住著很多人,有些人我們認識,有些人我們不認識,『有幾個共同朋友』 『要不要加為好友』熟悉了,親密了,然後,等到愛情終結了,雙方又將回到..陌生的初始狀態。如果就像六 度分隔理論說的,「我與世界上任何一個陌生人的中間距離不會超過六個人!」真的是這樣嗎?穿梭在人群中的你 我 他,沒有人能預知,我們明天 還會遇見 誰。

No one knows what the future hold. Don't be afraid to look forward, because the next one will be better. =)

蔡健雅 - 谁

现在的我 还是对爱充满疑惑
没对或错 还不想给什么承诺
保持沉默独自走过 空虚和寂寞它们陪伴着我


未来的我 一个人过也算不错
冰冷的手 插入口袋也算暖和
日出日落都差不多 若有谁陪我那一定更好过



未来的我 一个人过也算不错
冰冷的手 插入口袋也算暖和
日出日落都差不多 若有谁陪我那一定更好过

Friday, August 21, 2009

Last paper today, and very high possibility i might fail this module yet again.. sob..
cognitively jammed
Poor darling lost her laptop.
I'll curse that that bloody fucker who took her laptop away gets tickled by playful friends who'll be joining us for a month, tripped by 'em kids, fall and break his front tooth!
and start feeling guilty and paranoid for his sins~
Toothless ah pek!
haha! Omph~

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Clumsy Jojo had a fall

On a usual routine, i'll switch on and off the light box outside my shop everyday.
The switch is quite high, so to do that, i'll have to borrow my neighbour's chair.
It doesn't have much support, just planes of panels. Those that you see in smoking areas outside fastfood.
So, i had to rush for class last friday afterwork.
As usual i climbed up the chair.

Something which i seemed to have instinctively sensed but casually ignored happened!
The chair gave way,
the panel broke and my leg went right through in!
It was really loud so the diners were perpetually staring at me.. booboo
That isn't the most embarrassing part!
My legs got stucked and i only realized that when i tried to move. Ugh~
So therefore i proudly announced myself too heavy with fat legs!
Of course i was only joking~
I was wearing a skirt, which i wasn't even worried to think whether i "zao kenged" at that point of time!The swell has subsided, but i guess i can't wear shorts or skirts for quite some time now.
Phobic of climbing chairs.

Clumsy jojo tried to climb tall, clumsy jojo had a great fall

Heaven's sneeze

For the past few days, i've been watching the weather forecast, looking forward to an icon with a grey cloud and little blue dots just below that cloud.
Well, it was suppose to rain but i don't seem to feel/see/sense any signs of leak from the sky.

I simply just love the rain.
They've always have this special ability, to wash away stains of unhappiness, or bring subtle messages of joy. Itzamazing!

I could dance in the rain, feel the droplets with the help of gravity massages. That way i might fall sick!
I can adopt the use of a transparent umbrella, follow the rhythm of beats on my umbrella, tataa tatataa~ I'll look up and admire these droplets falling down straight to my face~

I can sit by the window sill, watch these beautiful eyelets trickle down my window each taking different paths, different speed, some meeting up with other droplets to form even bigger ones.

I could also sit in my car, watch the wiper swipe them all to the side and stream down just like little rivers!

At night, the sky is red, sometimes purple in its most romantic way
When my windows are closed, the wind sings!
In the day, vibrant rainbow(s) welcome the sun after a pour, bringing the best smiles of hope.
Isn't nature beautiful?
I hope it rains soon~