Thursday, October 29, 2009

On my way back home, I was approach with an aunty wearing PJs, holding two ten cents coins in her palms. I was listening to my mp3 therefore couldn't hear her clearly. I briefly heard her mentioned in chinese " ...twenty cents coins... make phone calls...". So i told her to wait while i started digging twenty cents for her. Only when I handed my twenty cents to her that she explained she wanted to borrow my phone and in exchange she'll pay me twenty cents. I hestitated and questioned her about why she didn't want to use a public pay phone instead, which was only a short distance away. She replied me with another question "whether i know if those phones accept coins or are card operated". Of course i didn't know.. and i pondered for a while..

I was trying to digest my thoughts while digging out my phone meanwhile. In a distance, another lady whose was probably watching us for some time called out to her and offered her phone free. She insisted the aunty to keep her coins. But of course, i smiled and walk off.

Sometimes i wondered.

We're nurtured in an environment constantly reminded to be wary of strangers. Often, we hear too much stories of con-men/women, too much pessimism. That we are too occupied with protectionist thoughts. We fail to discern the goodwill and innocence of people.

Of course i'm ashamed for my hesitation to bring out my phone.. becuase i was just holding on to it!.. before i dropped it bag into my bag to take out that twenty cents coin.

On second thoughts.. its just human nature aint it? haha!

My boss said to me today :" Jo, don't be disheartened when people bully you. Its a learning curve.." I thank god for her.. she's always there to pick up the mess i created...
I replied :" 我知道,所以就难过一下下,就一下下而已!!"

最近爱上这首歌。。。 听得见的梦想。。 分享给大家
星星安靜閃著光亮 哼唱天使般的樂章
山風溫暖起伏胸膛 撐起你沉默的盼望
從來沒有害怕 你和我都一樣
最溫暖的寶藏透過專注的眼光 聽見夢想
藏在無聲的天堂 聽見希望
微笑就是愛的橋樑 過程中的傷都珍藏
或許路途比較漫長 看到你驕傲的抵達
汗水就是徽章 發出耀眼光芒
最溫暖的寶藏 透過專注的眼光 聽見夢想
最真實的力量 藏在無聲的天堂 聽見希望

Anyway!~ I'm so excited! Borrowing Weiming's D40 tml~ hee..

Photography is fun!!!

You think it is, it is not.

Perception is deceiving~

Photos by Daniel Ho Ho Ho Ho~

I'm gonna be needing morning calls for the few coming weeks..

yes you can guess it~!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Just a random thought~

This i said to myself~

I'll marry a man that buys me a mini cooper..

If I eventually buy one of my own, then i shall marry myself!! sob~

I'll date a guy that buys me a prosumer camera,

otherwise, its just me and my cammie~

This is shallow i know~

Not a post for deep thoughts anyway~

Went window shopping for camera just the other day~ Asked the uncle if he could recommend me some good semi-pro cameras and the neighboring customer turned around and said " You look like a professional man~!" I'm flattered, for a moment my heart just fluttered~ wo0o0oOo~

The sweetest gift my ex-boyfriend gave was to buy me a blue guitar when i least expected it. He sat me down at an open grass patch nicely laid with table cloth and my fav drink and then started his usual strut of strum and sing~

These are afterall fond memories to be kept~


Did a mega retail therapy today!

Guess i have been supressing my self too much that i had a sudden surge or spenthrift!!

It's the most beneficial thing to be working in a retail line! You get to purchase on your own line of quality fabrics at super discounts! Live like an "atas"!

Still, nothing beats my Aldo 3 mins shoe shopping record!!~ ( I think my 3 month old shoe is spoiling) and I bought 2 pairs of heels today!


Oh oh!! and !!

*tick tock tick tock~

I betta go back to assignmening~

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Hope i'm not too late, but darn.. i should have watched it earlier. I'm so glad i watched this.
I guess you must be able to relate to understand and appreciate this movie.
Its beautiful~
The pictures, the motion and the little little details of fast and slow to potray each emotions.
The part where the whole world seems to dance with you when you're happy, or whatever that you see is disgusting when your life tears apart.
Perfect soundtrack
Sometimes its not because you don't believe in love,
Its because you don't know what you are pursuing..
Someone who's so nonchalant about love, may just have not met the right one.
Well i'm not good with words..
perhaps this song could express it~

You could be my unintended

Choice to live my life extended

You could be the one I'll always love

You could be the one who listens To my deepest inquisitions

You could be the one I'll always love

I'll be there as soon as I can

But I'm busy mending broken

Pieces of the life I had before

First there was the one who challenged

All my dreams and all my balance

She could never be as good as you

You could be my unintended

Choice to live my life extended

You could be the one I'll always love

I'll be there as soon as I can

But I'm busy mending broken

Pieces of the life I had before

I'll be there as soon as I can

But I'm busy mending brokenPieces of the life I had before

Before you...

This time, the movie displays the emotional turmoils from a total guys point of view. I like that! So don't you say tt chick flicks are meant for women losers!!


I'm gonna search for the soundtracks now!! before my boiling passion dies off soon~ haha!


Lena was so right when she described how i always like perfect and beautiful pictures that are always so colourful, full of fantasy, or artistic and nostalgic.

She described me as someone who'll take a picture of a sea.. and then photoshopped it with clouds of different shapes and sizes, clear blue sky, and add little details of corals into the sea. And when i got so tired trying to add in the details cos it doesn't look right. I'll just save it and give up! haha.

True true..

Thursday, October 15, 2009

When we realize situations have shown a different light,
We may lose our confidence, feel demoralized.
We all do.
Thats when we trust that we'll find the courage to work even harder,
Make tomorrow a better day,
If tomorrow isn't,
the day after will be.

Perhaps, when we're alone in our room,
we can look around our surroundings.
Our room tells a story~

The ceiling said: Aim high.
Fan said: Be cool.
Clock said: Every minute is precious.
Mirror said: Reflect before you act.
Window said: See the world and open up.
Door said: opportunities are out there.
Calender said:Ur getting older(wiser maybe)

What else can you think of?

Bed said: Join me~ to a world of dreams.

*Teens/tweens nowadays are far more knowledgeable than us.
They reminded me of how much I've missed out during my younger days though~

After watching the last episode of PS: I'm sorry - featuring Diana Ser.
I was embraced with the thought of wanting to write to them again.
How badly i wanted to tell them I'm sorry, for not contacting them, for not having the time and the financial ability to fly over, to see how they have been living. Sounds like a drama already, I don't have the courage~ haha

Mostly importantly as well, to mum and dad, I'm sorry for the nastiest things I said when I was little.

Now a little moment of nostalgia~

My playmates~
I started playing Rubik's at the age of 3.5!! But I'll never master it! lol!

My exhausting day ended with a warm, looong shower~

*(But these kids will never know how they'll look like in film photographs~ tsk tsk)
Sweet dreams for now ..